Poker articles
EV (expected value)
EV is an abbreviation for expected value. Regardless if you play poker, blackjack or on horses you will always have an expected value for the outcome of your play.

ROI (return of investment)
It's good to know you ROI as you will when know how much you can expect to win in a certain number of tournaments and you can also compare between different poker forms to discover there your best profit are made.

Starting hands
There are 1,326 different starting hands in Texas hold'em, but if you leave out the different color constellations there are totally 169. The starting hands are divided in four categories after how well they perform in poker.
Different ways of multi-tabling in poker
Multi-tabling in poker can potentially increase the winnings. There are three main ways to arrange the tables: tile tables, cascade tables and stack tables.
Optimizing Ace King
A new book written by James “SplitSuit” Sweeney Adam “W34ZSL” Jones deals with the most complex hand in poker, ace-king. Read the review about this book.
How to play Short-deck poker
Short-deck poker (a.k.a. Six-plus Hold'em or Triton Poker) is a variant of Texas Hold'em design by Chinese poker players and it occured recently in the Triton Super High Roller Series 2018.
Poker and short-term statistical noise
In the field of statistics, noise and signal are two often referred terms. Noise is mostly irrelevant data whereas signal is the vital matter.